Nano Hearing Aids

What would be the best hearing aid option – traditional hearing aids or over-the-counter/online hearing aid?  In this article, we’ll be talking about one brand of over-the-counter hearing aids – Nano hearing aids, and how it holds up against traditional hearing aids.

When you need to make an investment in a new hearing aid, it can be hard to know what to do. After all, the internet is full of options and information for hearing aids. But when you search online for “hearing aids,” there are a lot of different results that come up – some good, some not so much. How does Nano hearing aids live up to our expectations?

Are Nano hearing aids any good?

Buying hearing aids that are not effective can be tiring. There are many people who ask about Nano hearing aids on a regular basis. Nano hearing aids claim to offer the world’s smallest and most discreet BTE hearing aid on their website.

Nano CIC is tiny enough to fit deep in your ear canal, so it doesn’t stick out like other BTEs. It’s new design makes it easy to insert and remove with just one hand. Will Nano hearing aids make you hear better? Unfortunately we can’t say for sure as they’re not FDA approved yet.

If you are planning to buy Nano hearing aids, please be aware that these devices will not give you the same benefits as traditional hearing instruments. If you would like to purchase a pair of quality hearing aids, consult an audiologist who can measure and fit them for you.

What are the risks when you buy Nano hearing aids?

Hearing aids are not one-size-fits all, and that’s why it’s important to get an ear exam before you buy. 

This is why most online hearing aid stores offer a wide range of hearing aids from cheap ones to premium ones. However, the products they sell might not be what works for your unique needs. Nano ear hearing aids are generic products that may not address your unique needs or help with any specific type of loss you might have.

If you want to get customized earbuds that are fitted according to your hearing loss, go see an audiologist. If you’re in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area and need a hearing test, swing by HearCare Audiology.

Nano hearing aids – is it just pure hype?

Nano hearing aids are one of the most talked about topics online. They’re not a real solution for those needing to hear better, but they can act as an assistive listening device. If you want to know if Nano hearing aids are right for you, it is best that you get tested by an audiologist who will provide REAL EAR MEASUREMENTS.

Are you experiencing any hearing issues? If so, please visit your local audiologist for a hearing test to see if it’s more than just age-related.

Is it wise to buy Nano hearing aids?

Nano hearing aids might not be the right option for you if you’re hearing impaired. There’s a higher probability that your expectations will be met with disappointment because of a lack of approval by the FDA and other regulatory bodies.

Nano hearing aids are not FDA approved, and many people have reported their disappointment after using this product. To be clear, these devices are not designed to treat or manage hearing loss.

Real Ear Measurement

Real Ear Measurement is an important part of any audiologic evaluation process and it’s the best way for us to assess how well you hear at different frequencies. Our licensed audiologists at HearCare Audiology can take a look in your ear canal with an otoscope and measure the eardrum to find out more about what might be wrong before we start the treatment plan.

Nano hearing aids may be greatly hyped online, but it lacks what we consider as the gold standard of fitting hearing aids – real ear measurement. If you want to enjoy excellent sound quality and experience true relief from your hearing loss, then it’s time for you to try real hearing instruments made by audiologists.

You deserve nothing less than a product that will give you an accurate fit and excellent sound quality – so what are you waiting for?

HearCare Audiology, Fort Wayne Indiana- Hearing Loss Solutions

We at HearCare Audiology are committed to providing you with the most advanced technology in our practice. We do this through expertly trained, knowledgeable, and compassionate hearing professionals that will work with you to ensure your needs are met.

At HearCare Audiology, we know that everyone is different. We understand hearing loss affects people in many ways and want to help you find the right solution with someone who will listen to what’s important to YOU. 

We offer professional audiology services that will work with how you hear best so that you can find solutions that not only fit your needs but also won’t hurt your pocket or drain your savings. With our years of experience, we’ve managed to combine affordability with quality service in order to provide solutions that meet these criteria.

Are You Ready To Hear Better?

Hearing better starts with a diagnostic hearing test to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of your hearing and a conversation with a hearing health care professional to determine what measures you can take to improve your hearing.

Nano Hearing Aids Topics